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2017-12-18 03:00

By Lee I-chia / Staff reporter

The Taipei Marathon started from Taipei City Hall at 6:30am yesterday, with Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) saying that he hopes it will become recognized as one of the world’s best marathons within a few years as the city gradually makes improvements to the event.

Despite the low temperature of about 11°C, about 27,000 runners showed up in front of Taipei City Hall to participate in the annual race, which divided runners into half-marathon and full marathon groups.

About 3,200 runners from 51 countries joined the marathon this year, Ko said, adding that as it is the largest international sports event held in Taipei after the 2017 Taipei Summer Universiade, the city government worked extra hard in the hopes of showing the city’s beauty, passion and vitality to the world.

“The Taipei Marathon received the ‘international marketing prize’ in an online poll held by the Sports Administration in October, indicating that the event has gradually become more international,” he said. “I hope in two or three years, it can be certified as a top-level international marathon.”

The Taipei Marathon course runs past four historic gates of the old city, Ko said, adding that when the event hopefully receives international certification, it will be considered one of the most distinctive city marathons in the world.

After the starting shot rang out, Ko and Taipei’s popular mascot Bravo Bear (熊讚) went to the Jingfu Gate (景福門) to cheer on the runners.

In the full marathon, Kenyan-born French runner Abraham Kiprotich completed the course in 2 hours, 17 minutes and 49 seconds, winning the men’s division. Kenyan runner Leah Jebet Kiprono crossed the finish line in 2 hours, 45 minutes and 51 seconds, winning the women’s division.

As for the fastest Taiwanese runners, Chou Ting-yin (周庭印) of the men’s division came in at 2 hours, 24 minutes and 54 seconds, and Chu Ying-ying (朱盈穎) of the women’s division came in at 3 hours, 5 minutes and 32 seconds.

Chu’s performance drew media attention, as this year is only the second time the 27-year-old amateur runner has participated in a marathon since she took up the sport about two-and-a-half years ago.

Chu said she has never been trained professionally, but jokingly said she has become addicted to running and hopes to challenge herself in the Seoul International Marathon next year.

In the half-marathon group, Taiwanese runner Hsieh Chien-ho (謝千鶴), who ran in last year’s summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, came in at 1 hour, 15 minutes and 5 seconds, breaking her own national record by 8 seconds.


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